Daviess County Fiscal Court had the first reading of three zoning text amendments for Owensboro Metropolitan Planning Commission (OMPC).
Executive Director Brian Howard said the first two amendments concern accessory structures and swimming pools in Article III of the zoning ordinance.
If approved, an unenclosed accessory that is attached to a home, such as a carport or porch overhang, would need to meet the building setback requirements of the residence.
The second amendment aligns local ordinance with the state building code, requiring that outdoor in-ground swimming pools be six feet from the property line.
Howard said the final text amendment to Article VIII and Article XIV relates to solar energy systems. The large-scale solar farms spanning hundreds of acres would be conditionally permitted for agricultural and industrial zones only.
Insurance Premium Tax Reduction
Fiscal Court had second reading and passage of an ordinance that will reduce the insurance premium tax rate to 4.9 percent.
County residents outside the corporate limits of Owensboro and Whitesville will see the new rate, beginning on July 1, 2022.
A higher tax was put in place to help fund the downtown project, particularly the Owensboro Convention Center. Treasurer Jim Hendrix said the County will have collected enough money by the end of the Fiscal Year to service the remainder of the bond debt.
Budget Amendment
Fiscal Court had second reading of a budget amendment that accounts for a $150,000 grant for a generator (Emergency Management) and a $34,500 grant for bulletproof vests (Detention Center).
Tox Away Day
The Household Hazardous Waste Day will be returning on Saturday, October 1st. The collection will be one week earlier this year to avoid any conflicts with fall break.
The Free Tox Away Day is an opportunity for Daviess County residents to dispose of items like batteries, gasoline, oil-based paint, aerosol cans, cleaning products, and lawn chemicals.
A complete list of accepted items will be released prior to the event. Fiscal Court is pursuing a 75/25 matching grant through the Kentucky Pride Fund to help cover costs of the collection.
Panther Creek Park – Fireworks Display
Fiscal Court approved a production contract for the fireworks show at Panther Creek Park on Labor Day weekend. The Eric Group will provide a covered stage, public address system, lights, and various performances leading up to the fireworks.
Miscellaneous Bids & Awards – Parks Department
Fiscal Court agreed to purchase trap and skeet targets for the Gun Club. Commissioners also approved a LED animated tunnel for Christmas at Panther Creek, along with bids for pavement maintenance and replacement drinking fountains in the parks.
Owensboro Health – Annual Report
Mark Marsh, President/CEO of Owensboro Health, delivered an annual report to the community, highlighting the health system’s impact across the region.
Owensboro Health reaches an 18-county area, serving more than 500,000 people across Western Kentucky and Southern Indiana.
In his address, Marsh highlighted the recent acquisition of “The Springs Health Centre” on Highway 54 as well as the health system’s economic impact and reinvestments in the community.
Commissioner Charlie Castlen has been reappointed to the Owensboro-Daviess County Regional Airport Board for a four-year term, effective March 1, 2022.
Aaron Rafferty will join the Solid Waste Department as a Laborer at the Grimes Avenue Transfer Station.