How do you obtain a death certificate?
To obtain a copy of a death certificate, you can either call the respective funeral home, or, for certified copies, call the Registrar of Vital Statistics in Frankfort, KY @ 502-574-4212. For more information, click here.
What kind of training does a coroner require?
The coroner is a state constitutional office and is elected every four years like other officials. The coroner and deputy coroners have initial training and yearly re-certification. They must have strong investigative skills.
Does the coroner’s office perform autopsies on everyone who dies in Daviess County?
No. Certain parameters must be fulfilled before the Kentucky State Medical Examiner’s Office is contacted.
Where are autopsies performed?
Certified medical pathologists in Madisonville or Louisville at the Kentucky State Medical Examiner’s Office perform our autopsies.
What is the difference between a post mortem examination and an autopsy?
A postmortem examination is an external examination consisting of a visible and physical exam of a body by the coroner or deputy coroner to determine if there is traumatic injury or suspicious circumstances. If the coroner or deputy coroner decide there is a need for an internal exam, a forensic autopsy is authorized. An autopsy is an internal examination used to determined cause and manner of death. Toxicology tests are also performed during either a postmortem examination or an autopsy.