A portion of Old Highway 144 will be renamed to “Nannie Belle Loop” in the Thruston area.
The designation will begin at Jones Road and end at KY-144/Roy Clark Road for a length of 0.849 miles. Approximately 28 families live along this section of Old Highway 144, and well over 50 percent signed a petition in support of the name change.
Judge Gene Lanham, who organized the petition, explained that it will clear up confusion for emergency responders and delivery drivers. There are, in fact, four sections of Old Highway 144.
“Mrs. Nannie Belle Camp was known for her several animals, dogs and cats, but mostly for the many goats she had,” Lanham told Fiscal Court.
Nannie Belle would retrieve the goat milk, sharing it with area families – especially mothers who had infants in need. It was free to those who could not afford to pay.
Judge/Executive Al Mattingly remarked that the road name would maintain that memory and pass along a bit of history to younger generations.
In the future, adjoining property owners will receive a letter from Planning & Zoning, notifying them of the updated road name.