Jim Hendrix, Daviess County Treasurer, has announced his intentions to retire effective Jan. 1, 2023.
He plans to resign as Treasurer on Nov. 30, 2022 and will stay on as Director of Administrative Services until Dec. 31, 2022 to allow time to prepare the required Treasurer’s Final Settlement.
Jim began working as Treasurer for Daviess County Fiscal Court on Jan. 1, 2008. Prior to his fiscal court appointment, he worked 30 years for Texas Gas Transmission Corporation as a corporate tax accountant from 1978-1987 and then held various positions in the Rates and Regulatory department from 1987-2007. He navigated, and survived, four corporate sales and numerous reorganizations and worked his way from a junior accountant to vice-president.
Jim graduated from Carlisle County High School in 1974 and Murray State University in 1978. He received his MBA degree from Murray State in 1981.
Jim, and his wife Kellie, have six children in their combined family. Dr. Ryan Hendrix, a surgeon in Worcester, MA; Dr. Kara Hendrix is a dentist and lives in Bowling Green; Lanie Ledford lives in Cadiz and works for State Farm; Kate Richardson is working on her master’s degree in Bowling Green; Ally Holtrey is a junior at Murray State; and Tori Holtrey is a freshman at the University of Southern Indiana.
“I am honored to serve as the Treasurer of Daviess County. I am quite proud of the financial staff, the high quality and accuracy of their work, and the commitment they show to their positions. I have enjoyed my second career with Fiscal Court but, after working full time for 45 years in jobs that were highly stressful, yet rewarding………..I am ready for a break. My next goal is to fish until I am sick of it.”