The Kentucky County Clerk’s Association has formally adopted the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) standards for real estate document formatting.
Legibility Standards are as follows:
Paper weight: 20 lb.
Paper size: 8 ½ x 11 preferred; 8 ½ x 14 accepted
Paper color: White; No water marks
Staples or binding: None
One or two side print: One side only
Impression Seals: None allowed
Colored highlight markers: None allowed
Margins: Top 3” of first page recommended for Recorder use, especially on right side of page (not recommended on last page); all other margins 1”
Ink color: Black preferred, with dark blue signatures
Font: 10-point Times New Roman or equivalent
Spacing: 9 lines per inch maximum
Adopted by PRIA Board of January 13, 2016,