On Thursday, October 20, 2022, Daviess County Fiscal Court will have summary second reading of the following ordinances & consider same for passage:
12-2022 KOC 150.14 (2022) – An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing KOC 150.12 Relating to a Special Transient Room Tax for the Sole Purpose of Meeting the Operating Expenses of a Convention Center.
13-2022 KOC B.52 (2022) – An Ordinance of the County of Daviess, Kentucky Amending KOC B.48(2012) Which Authorized the Issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012B (Transient Room Tax Supported Project) in Aggregate Principal Amount $1,910,000 to Reflect the Additional Revenue Sources Authorized in KRS 91A.390.
14-2022 KOC 150.15 (2022) – An Ordinance Relating to the Owensboro-Daviess Convention and Visitors Bureau and Transient Room Tax. (As Amended by KOC 150.1/R.2 and KOC 150.4 and KOC 150.12)