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Expanded Trash for Cash Program to Launch in Daviess County

Daviess County Fiscal Court has announced an expanded Trash for Cash program for 2025.

“Put trash in its place,” said Judge/Executive Charlie Castlen.  “Help beautify our community by collecting roadside litter and raise money for your non-profit organization.”

Applications are being accepted now at  Groups can expect to be assigned five miles, including both sides of a road, with a reimbursement rate of $130 per mile.

Trash for Cash is open to federally-recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organizations.  The group must be located in Daviess County and submit a W9 form.

Applications will be reviewed and approved by Daviess County Fiscal Court on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Upon acceptance into the program, Fiscal Court will assign a clean-up date and route based on the preferences in the application.

Call the administrative office with any questions at 270-685-8424.

The expanded Trash for Cash program is supported by the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet along with the Daviess County Solid Waste Operating Fund.

To report roadside litter on a county road or state highway (outside the City of Owensboro), visit

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