Daviess County Fiscal Court has announced an expanded Trash for Cash program for 2025.
“Put trash in its place,” said Judge/Executive Charlie Castlen. “Help beautify our community by collecting roadside litter and raise money for your non-profit organization.”
Applications are being accepted now at daviessky.org/trashforcash. Groups can expect to be assigned five miles, including both sides of a road, with a reimbursement rate of $130 per mile.
Trash for Cash is open to federally-recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. The group must be located in Daviess County and submit a W9 form.
Applications will be reviewed and approved by Daviess County Fiscal Court on a first-come, first-serve basis. Upon acceptance into the program, Fiscal Court will assign a clean-up date and route based on the preferences in the application.
Call the administrative office with any questions at 270-685-8424.
The expanded Trash for Cash program is supported by the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet along with the Daviess County Solid Waste Operating Fund.
To report roadside litter on a county road or state highway (outside the City of Owensboro), visit daviessky.org/trashreport.