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In 1972, the Daviess County Fiscal Court, wanting to provide a site where the citizens of Daviess County could dispose of their waste, opened the West Daviess County Landfill. The landfill utilized the old method of solid waste disposal, which consisted of dumping the solid waste into a pit, which was then covered with soil. In this case the pit consisted of an abandoned strip mine pit and the mine spoil area surrounding the pit. These areas are now designated as the “old areas”. The “old areas” does not have a liner system installed underneath the fill. A leachate collection system, put in place after these areas ceased operation, collects and contains the liquid runoff of the solid waste, in tanks, which are then pumped out when full. The West Daviess County Landfill was forced to close in 1992, due to the sweeping changes in the solid waste regulations adopted by the State of Kentucky concerning the construction and operation of landfills in the Commonwealth. During this shutdown period, all solid waste was diverted to other landfills that were in compliance with these new regulations. In 1995, the present contained landfill was opened on the present site and continues operation to this day.